Thursday, December 27, 2007

2 suggestion learning english

2 suggestion learning english :
1. Reading and speaking loudly english writing
2. Writing your idea in english
1st suggestion to make we speak fluently.
2nd suggestion to apply english grammar

thanks for miss Flo

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Most valuable asset in 21st century

is knowledge and educated worker.
According to Peter Drucker, Management Challenger for the 21th Century : "Knowledge have become asset for economic development, replacing unchangable resource nature. Because unchangable source nature can be depreciated, indeed they can result nature destruction that can ended in man suffering".

Above opinion is interesting, because in October 2007, Forbes mag release American richest people, Bill Gates is first, Larry Ellison is 4th. And in top 10, there was change that in 5th position, Google founder, Sergey Brin and Larry Page enter in the list. This change have change paradigm that richest man is not only mining, automotive and conventional people.

Knowledge have become non phisically renewable resource. IT people use knowledge smartly as renewable resource.

All above is quoted from Kompas in October 2007.

Finally evidence show that people knowledge is the most valuable asset.

state : try to write

Monday, October 01, 2007

I'm back

Ya, saya putusin untuk kembali menulis blog
Tadinya saya berpikir menulis blog akan menyita tenaga, waktu dan pikiran
Tapi saya sadari saya salah
Berikut beberapa alasannya :
1. Anda adalah apa yang anda tulis, jadi kalo ndak pernah nulis, anda bukan apa-apa di dunia maya
2. Tidak harus panjang, RSS mengajarkan hal ini, lebih dari RSS adalah cara pemberitaan
3. Membikin ciri tema dalam penulisan

So, i decide to choose software engineering matters in my writing

See you in my next writing